Hi, I know that this is a bit off topic for the list but I am hoping that you might be able to help me. I have set up a hosting company to do a bit of PHP and MySQL hosting. At the moment I am using worldpay to bill annually but I would like to be able to offer monthly billing. Other than iBill would anyone have any suggestions. I would appreciate if you could reply off list as well as on. I don't get the all the messages because it just takes so long to get them in. I would really appreciate any recomendations that anyone has. And if anyone is interested in swopping links then I would appreciate it.
Thanks for your help in advance.
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On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Declan wrote:
I know that this is a bit off topic for the list but I am hoping that you might be able to help me. I have set up a hosting company to do a bit of PHP and MySQL hosting.
Two evils in one place... well, saves on nukes I suppose ;-)
At the moment I am using worldpay to bill annually but I would like to be able to offer monthly billing.
WorldPay can handle that, iirc.