As Requested in the joining mail here is a short piece about me.
Interest in Linux started way back in 1997/98 when I worked for a small ISP. Worked there part time, then when I finished college went back full time, general basic Linux admin (apache, qmail, user management, support etc). Moved to a small software house in Norwich, lost my linuxy roots, although, during this time built and used Linux Firewalls (2.2 and 2.4 varitents) and web servers. 2002 moved to Pitman Training in Norwich, in the process of migrating a Novell network to Linux, also in process of maintaining Linux Firewalls (hardcore and Mandrake firewall edition) as well as setting up a DNS server for a local company in the near furture.
As well as all of this in the process of getting Linux certification instated to Pitman, including RHE, Linux+ and LCA quailifications.
Still under the impression that Linux isnt quite ready for the desktop, although it is nearly there.
Fav Distro: Slackware.
There thats me! :o)
Kind Regards,
Michael Sage Technical and Network Manager -- Pitman Norwich Tel: 01603 619769 2 Recorder Road Fax: 01603 619769 Norwich, NR1 1NR
On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 09:26:04 +0100 Michael Sage wrote:
Interest in Linux started way back in 1997/98 when I worked for a small ISP.
Net Communications? What ever happened to them anyway - I've noticed that they seem to have left Norwich now.. That must leave Paston Chase and Albatross Networks as the only Norwich-based ISPs.
Moved to a small software house in Norwich, lost my linuxy roots, although, during this time built and used Linux Firewalls (2.2 and 2.4 varitents) and web servers.
Sounds cool.
2002 moved to Pitman Training in Norwich, in the process of migrating a Novell network to Linux, also in process of maintaining Linux Firewalls(hardcore and Mandrake firewall edition) as well as setting up a DNS server for a local company in the near furture.
Definately cool - good to see that Pitman taking an active interest in Linux. Norwich is definately becoming a Penguin-friendly place these days :)
Still under the impression that Linux isnt quite ready for the desktop, although it is nearly there.
Try Red Hat 8.0 - it's very desktop centric. It's still early days, but I think they're on to something here. It won't be everybody's cup of tea, but it's a vast improvement on what has come before it (well, at least in my opinion anyway).
Fav Distro: Slackware.
Mine still has to be Red Hat, although I've yet to try Debian 3.0 (which I've just got through the PC Plus DVD). Red Hat is the most popular distribution supported by all of the high-end 3D and 2D Linux applications that we run here at work, and it's easy to roll out to the hundreds of desktops and servers that we have.