John Seago wrote:
seems to want to log me on with a GUI and does'nt give me time to log on to the command line and then startx.
Hello, John - glad to see you're still hanging in there!
I've never used Debian but I expect it's like all the others in this respect: look for a file in the /etc directory called 'inittab'. In that file, you should find a line that reads thus:
If you change the 5 to a 3, save the file and then re-boot, you should find that it runs up with the standard login, rather than the graphical one.
Of course, to edit this, you'd best have MC working, so maybe you need to get that installed first. Hopefully someone else can put you out of your misery with that problem - as I say, I've never used Debian.
Hope this helps?
From: John Seago:
seems to want to log me on with a GUI and does'nt give me time to log on to the command line and then startx.
Whenever I've done a full Debian install I've found that I've ended up with an XConfig file that's broken in some way. Nothing serious, usually minor glitches like a wrong mouse driver, etc. Editing this (or just restoring a backup copy of one I know works) and rebooting seems to fix it easily.
Have I got the wrong end of the stick here but doesn't X just drop out after two or three attempts anyway and leave you at the command prompt? Or are you saying that its XDM (GDM?) that's broke in this case?
And also I though Debian also asked if you wanted a graphical logon or not during the install? but then it's been a while since I've had to do one from scratch :o)
I like MC for console based work but I've always had to install it separately, i.e. not part of the Debian standard config AFAIK.
Keith ____________ A ship in the harbour is safe... but that's not what ships were made for.