I should be there, though still awaiting for my pass to be signed by the wife :)
Any topics for this meeting?
Take Care,
From: John Woodard [mailto:mail@johnwoodard.co.uk]
So far it looks like its just me on Sunday for the meeting!
I /should/ be there, but am going to be busy the day before at the AFFSAC
(<a Target='_new' Href='http://talk21.btopenworld.com/redirect.html?http://www.affs.org.uk/)'>http://www.affs.org.uk/)</a> so /may/ not make it.
<a Target='_new' Href='http://talk21.btopenworld.com/redirect.html?http://www.alug.org.uk/'>http://www.alug.org.uk/</a>
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Best Regards,
Jamie French
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