Freeserve seem to be trashing a lot of my mail as Bulk? i.e. BBC daily email. Can anybody tell me how many Alug main email's have been sent out this week, I have received 7 since last 21/9.( i have removed all filters etc) Could somebody answer me directly in case i do not receive it!!! Regards Nick Daniels
On 2003-09-28 15:51:06 +0100 Nick Daniels wrote:
Can anybody tell me how many Alug main email's have been sent out
See this web site, look at the Archives and pick "sort by date".
I didn't realise freeserve tagged bulk mail.
On Monday 29 September 2003 09:25, MJ Ray wrote:
Many thanks Seems I am missing over 50% of "main " messages, 50% of Sourceforge, all BBC and what else? I do not know what is going on , spam to "undisclosed recipient" gets through. Connection is getting nearly impossible in evenings. Can anybody reccommed a good 24/7 Linux friendly I.S.P. Many thanks Nick Daniels
Been using the UK free software Network for several months now with no problems (so far!) <>
Keith ____________ The little things in life are as interesting as the big ones. Henry David Thoreaux
--- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.521 / Virus Database: 319 - Release Date: 23/09/2003
Oops! sorry about the spurious anti-virus tag. Updated my virus scanner and didn't notice that it'd turned the tagging back on.
--- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.521 / Virus Database: 319 - Release Date: 23/09/2003
im on the 360hrs/month anytime package.
seems to work fine, never been cut off despite my network's gentoo mirror doing a emerge rsync ; emerge --fetchonly -u world every night, and a long timeout. 7 machines on network, 5 clients, and a coupla servers.
ive not yet a) been knowingly offline, i havent checked, but ive never heard it dial when i use the net, and ive never failed to connect while outside (dyndns hostname). Methinks it merely tends to be connected in the evenings, as opposed to 24/7 though. b) failed to dialup first attempt.
bear in mind i hit the 150 hrs/month limit of my old Quik account roughly about the 15th... PS DONT use quik. they took 3 months to cancel my payment, their mail server was crap, and they didnt actually attempt to warn me before cuting my account off every month.
Keith Watson wrote:
scanner and
Nick Daniels wrote:
Ahh... you don't happen to be sub'd to alug via a sourceforge address, do you? it appears that sourceforge are running spam assassin over the mail (ho hum, I didn't notice till today, but then, I don't get enough spam to this box to worry ;)