Has anyone played with one of these yet ?, I was looking at the Dabs catalogue and noticed that they are for sale at a reasonable price.
I am tempted as I wanted to replace my trusty old Palm, and was even considering a Pocket PC device.
I like the idea of Linux on a PDA (but I still have some major reservations about it's suitability) and I can't find any reviews on the Net.
Previous Linux/PDA efforts seem to have had lukewarm reception from reviewers and seeing as Dixon's are unlikely to stock this toy I can't exactly go and try one out.
On Friday 27 Sep 2002 9:06 pm, Wayne Stallwood wrote:
Ah that's because the model number is printed wrong in the Dabs catalogue.
It's really a SL-5500, but still any experiences anyone ?
PS they are available on line from Sharp at http://www.sharp.co.uk
After getting quite excited that the device actually has Linux embedded I found the following review:
and something else you may find handy:
Sounds like it may be a better option than a Compaq IPaq, having Linux is a good start :)
-----Original Message----- From: main-admin@lists.alug.org.uk [mailto:main-admin@lists.alug.org.uk]On Behalf Of Wayne Stallwood Sent: 27 September 2002 21:06 To: main@lists.alug.org.uk Subject: Re: [Alug] Sharp Zaurus SL-500
Ah that's because the model number is printed wrong in the Dabs catalogue.
It's really a SL-5500, but still any experiences anyone ?
On Friday 27 September 2002 19:45, Wayne Stallwood wrote:
_______________________________________________ main@lists.alug.org.uk http://www.alug.org.uk/ http://lists.alug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/main Unsubscribe? See message headers or the web site above!
I have a spare copy of install disk 4 from debian 3.0 Woody (final release version). Free to a good home - email me off list.
Also willing to burn copies of Woody for the cost of CDs and postage if anyone is interested. I have all 7 CDs if you want the lot.
(Also - and completely off-topic - if anyone wants some v. cheap B/W darkroom equipment then also contact me as I'm having a clear out. No enlarger, sorry).
Finally, can someone tell me if this message is word-wrapping correctly or are there line breaks? Many thanks
Thanks Syd
Syd Hancock syd2@toufol.com wrote:
Finally, can someone tell me if this message is word-wrapping correctly or are there line breaks? Many thanks
Wrapping fine, in that there are line breaks in the right places.
Damm you, after reading that review I went to Dabs and clicked the "Buy Now" button. :o)
I'll post a mini-review when I've had a chance to play with it.
Incidently, Retail for this device is £449.95, Sharp have it at £399 plus postage with a free accessory kit, Dabs have it at £363.07 including postage and according to the PDF I downloaded from Sharp you can still claim the Accessory Kit if you send of your proof of purchase.
On Saturday 28 September 2002 11:26, Jamie French wrote:
On Friday 27 Sep 2002 8:45 pm, Wayne Stallwood wrote:
I have had one for several months now but a couple of months ago it was nicked. i just replaced it courtesy of the insurance co and I took advantage of the current special offer which adds some flash and a car and USB charger. Only available till 30th sept.
it is just like linux in the palm of you hand. Console and command line if you want or X windows in colour.