Hi guys
Appreciate all the assistance that anyone can provide.
I have an ABIT IG-80 motherboard, which uses an intel 915 chipset.
When I do an hdparm -t -T /dev/hda I get the following result
/dev/hda: Timing cached reads: 3928 MB in 2.00 seconds = 1963.32 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 8 MB in 3.32 seconds = 2.41 MB/sec
Now the drive is a 200gb, pata drive and when I try and activate DMA using
hdparm -d1 /dev/hda it comes back with
/dev/hda: setting using_dma to 1 (on) HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted using_dma = 0 (off)
I am using the defualt debian kernel 2.6.15.
Any ideas as to why it wont let me activate DMA ?
On Sun, 2006-02-26 at 15:47 +0000, Ben Whyte wrote:
I have had this problem on a few machines, try this
Add piix to your /etc/modules file, it may have to appear before any IDE modules you may already have in there.
Somebody else told be that I should also be adding ide-core as well, but I don't seem to need it here.
reboot and you should find that DMA should now work.
Once you are happy it works you can edit the /etc/hdparm.conf file to enable it on boot.
the same somebody else also told be that you can't change the DMA status of a mounted filesystem, but I am pretty sure that is not true...that being the case the hdparm.conf mods would fix it anyway.
On Sun, 2006-02-26 at 18:29 +0000, Ben Whyte wrote:
Hmmm spooky , that has always worked for me....Did you put the modifications at the top of the list ? and are you sure you have an Intel IDE controller ? via's need via82cxxx and AMD's need amd74xx
I do vaguely remember something changing between Ubuntu Hoary and Breezy which would coincide nicely with your experience between 2.6.8 and 2.6.15 (breezy is on 2.6.12) But I cannot for the life of me remember what I had to do.
Wayne Stallwood wrote:
Ok, I have this EXACT problem at work at the moment and I know the solution - DMA is not enabled in my Bios... now, I can enable that in my bios, but then my disk partition numbering moves around randomly - by randomly I mean that I cant get lilo to find the relevant part... but thats my own problem.
What happens if you make a backup of your partition table, enable dma in your bios, reboot using a boot cd/floppy and restore your partition table from the backup?
On 27/02/06, James Taylor james.taylor@stealthnet.net wrote: