Hi People,
I have just placed an order with the linux emporium http://www.linuxemporium.co.uk for Debian 2.2r2 and a copy of John's Latest and Greatest CD. If you want a CD-R copy of any of the above could you let me know now so I can go and buy a spindle of CD-Rs and get burning (assuming that John get me the cd's to me before Sunday).
If you want a copy of Debian please let me know which cd's you want i.e. only the 1st or all the binary cd's or all of them including the source. I will have to ask for the price of the blank CD-R's (or you can bribe me with old computer hardware or chocolate!).
Also if anyone has a copy of partition magic could they please bring it on Sunday? we can then do an install on a Transmeta based laptop (Sony VAIO C1VE) if you do.
thanks Adam