I have now integrated the old ALUG archives (when ALUG's mailing list was hosted on rabbit.stu.uea.ac.uk) into the current set of archives so that we now have a complete set of articles posted to the ALUG mailing lists since June, 2000. HTDig will soon pick up the additional articles and index them, so the archive will shortly be fully searchable!
What's been integrated? All of the articles for the main discussion list and the announcement list between June 2000 and August 2001 when we were hosted on rabbit.stu.uea.ac.uk.
Can I search the ALUG archives as well as browse them? Yes, simply visit http://www.alug.org.uk/search, or http://lists.alug.org.uk/search. The entire ALUG web site is archived, along with the announce, main, and social lists.
Any complaints, problems, or funny jokes - please feel to forward them to me and I'll try and fix things ASAP.