So I'm trying to get a WAV file to play in an HTML document in Iceweasel. I have an <object> with an <embed> inside it:
<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" type="audio/wav" width="1" height="1" class="griller" id="griller"> <param name="AUTOPLAY" value="False" /> <param name="src" value="AK_2049_AR_12318-1.wav" /> <embed width="1" height="1" type="audio/wav" qtsrc="AK_2049_AR_12318-1.wav" src="AK_2049_AR_12318-1.wav" AUTOPLAY="False" name="griller" enablejavascript="true" /> </object>
This works on Safari with the Quicktime plugin, but not on Iceweasel.
I'm guessing the problem may be with the plugins Iceweasel is using. In Edit | Preferences | Applications, I can select the plugin to use for "WAV audio", but the options are only "Use Movie Player (default)", "Use Windows Media Player Plug-in (in Iceweasel)", or "Use other..." (which browses for an executable).
about:plugins tells me that I have the VLC plugin installed and that it knows how to handle content of MIME type "audio/wav" or with ".wav" suffixes. I also have the mplayer plugin installed which (AIUI) pretends to be WMP and also knows how to play .wav files. Why does VLC not appear in my list of available plugins in the Preferences | Applications dialog? Is this true for others?
Best, Richard