Please reply to him not me. And s/OSS/Free Software/g.
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 14:49:49 +0100 From: "Matthew Edmondson" Subject: A Directory of OSS Suppliers in South East
I am posting to invite those of us who work with Open Source in the Voluntary Commmunity Sector to be included in a directory of OSS suppliers (tech support, consultants, trainers, circuit riders etc).
There has been a significant investment in ICT support for groups in the voluntary community sector (VCS) from the government. One result of this is the ICTHub, the website of which was lanched last week. Within this, I hope to raise the profile of OSS and benefits that it can bring to the VCS. The OSS directory partly aims to dispel one of those OSS myths - "there is no support"!
This directory will also feed into a national, quality assured, directory of generic ICT support available to the VCS through the ICTHub.
We are looking to publish an initial (regional) version of this directory by 12th July - The ICT Hub and GMCVO South East Regional Conference.
If you would like to be included then please mail me ASAP with your contact details, as defined at the bottom of this mail. Further to this I will mail you with the alpha version, and again later on to enhance/update the information as the directory grows. Having been a 'circuit rider' myself I know the hassle of 'spam' (email, phone, etc) - so I will look after your contact details and only publish them where you have given specific permission.
There are a number of other ways that we are attempting to assist OSS uptake in the VCS. Most of these are to do with supporting the IT professionals themselves.
It would also be helpful if you were able to include leads (or forward this) to other companies/organisations/folk within the region who also provide such services to charities that may currently be outside the "community loop",
Many thanks,
Matthew Edmondson Open Source Consultant - ICT Hub
To find out about the ICT Hub: - A flyer for the Event is here: -
Fields for Contact Details Organisation Name Type (Company, Social Enterprise, Charity, Voluntary Group, Community Group, NGO) Skills(What services do you offer?) Phone Fax general email URL Address City County Postal Code Contact(s) within organisation First_Name Last_Name Title Role Office Phone Mobile Phone Email Permission to publish information on 12th July on paper