Did as suggested 'echo $PATH' gave /lib/init:/sbin:/bin
and 'ls' just returns me to desktop cursor
and '/usr/bin/apt-get' gives me a fast scroll which I was not able to record
and 'cd /bin' gives 'root@elc-desktop:/bin#_'
and 'cd/usr/sbin' gives 'root@elc-desktop:/usr/sbin#'
Wayne Stallwood wrote
Given that it worked for a while after the upgrade I am guessin that either your system volumes is not available or your path is wrong.
What is the output of - echo $PATH
(case sensitive)
does /bin/ls work rather than ls on it's own ? or /usr/bin/apt-get ?
Can you 'cd' to /bin or /usr/sbin ?
'ls' just returns me to desktop cursor
ls -al will bring a little more - this is because the "home directory" is empty
cd /bin then ls will give you lots more.
'/usr/bin/apt-get' gives me a fast scroll which I was not able to record
good - it looks like its there :)
On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 22:55 +0100, elc wrote:
Did as suggested 'echo $PATH' gave /lib/init:/sbin:/bin
Right this either means that something nasty has happened to /etc/environment or your boot process is getting suck because of another problem and not even getting to the point that the running PATH is set.
Can you tell me what the output of the following looks like-
cat /etc/environment
You should get something like
LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games"
It's the PATH= bit that I am interested in
If it looks similar to mine then I suspect the problem is earlier on in the boot process and we are just looking at a symptom.