Just a reminder that tomorrow (tuesday) is Quake Wars game night.
First game at 8PM, meet on #alug (IRC) at 7:30.
Second game at 10PM, meet on IRC at 9:30.
Alternatively friend drjeep and/or dralafi within the game before 6PM and use the follow feature to find us.
2008/7/21 Wayne Stallwood ALUGlist@digimatic.co.uk:
Just a reminder that tomorrow (tuesday) is Quake Wars game night.
Just had a thought - I'd happily have taken part in this (got the game) but my PC's not up to scratch. If anyone fancies going old skool, tho - and is able to get Quake III Arena running, I'd be happy to join tonight. Never actually played it over the net before. Warning, tho, I'm pretty rubbish ... ;)
Just a thought - hope the rest of you have some fraggin' fun ...
2008/7/22 samwise samwise@bagshot-row.org:
I've also got Quake 3 Arena. We could also play OpenArena. http://www.openarena.ws/
On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 11:59 AM, Srdjan Todorovic todorovic.s@googlemail.com wrote:
I've also got Quake 3 Arena. We could also play OpenArena. http://www.openarena.ws/
I was also going to suggest OpenArena as its 100% free and even packaged on some distributions. It's requirements are also very low just like quake3. However according to there website some of the games content may be rated mature(just in case anyone was going to get the kid's involved). There are a lot of Quake3 mods that turned free after the source code was released.
I'll see if i can get ET:QW to work at a reasonable frame rate to join in tonight though :).
I've also got Quake 3 Arena. We could also play OpenArena. http://www.openarena.ws/
Yep, OpenArena is another option. I only prefer Quake III because last time I played OpenArena it's graphics and weapons didn't seem really as fun to play.
I propose anyone who might be interested in a lower-spec gaming session joins IRC tonight at the same time as Wayne has already proposed, and we can thrash out which we want to play then, when we see who turns up and what they've got installed.
We have actually had a few impromptu games of OpenArena before in fact for a bit I was running a dedicated server from here.
But ultimately it's a different sort of game to ET:QW. Openarena is just about shooting people which I tend to get bored of after a bit. QuakeWars has a good element of teamplay and objective building which I feel could develop into more fun within the group.
Also OpenArena, as fun as it is, is just aesthetically ugly I didn't put a 8800GT in this machine to push around maps like that :)
I also tried Alien Arena but just couldn't get on with the gameplay.
I certainly wouldn't suggest I prefer either Quake III Arena or OpenArena to ET: QW! I just don't have the umph to play the latter ... !
I brought the subject up, in case there was anyone else out there with lower system requirements like mine that might fancy joining in the fun. :)
I agree with you about OpenArena and Alien Arena - OpenArena is just ugly and, really, I only think we should play that if there's someone out there who doesn't have Q3A, which would surprise me! And last time I fired Alien Arena up I got wasted in minutes! Reeaalllly hard bots, for newbies like me ...
On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 01:10:31PM +0100, samwise wrote:
Just would have been nice to be having this discussion /last/ week ;)
There is going to be at least 4 of us planning to join in tonight with etqw that I know of on irc, so etqw will go ahead as planned. We planned 2 games in case people have problems getting online or with game setup etc. etc.
Anyhow, as we are hoping that etqw will be semi-regular (and even if it isn't a few aluggers play it on a semi-regular basis) you can currenly get the game from hmv.co.uk for £7.99 with delivery. I think we are going to do this again sometime next week but are going to see if we hit any problems tonight before deciding which day etc. So if you want to play next week then order a copy of the game now!
As for QuakeWars Night, it's a brilliant game - I'll stick with it for this week, have no interest changing to openarena at short notice myself, and am looking forward to it.
I'd be interested if a good openarena, or warsow, or tremulous - or even Enemy Territory session were arranged at another time - and it might be good for people this week who can't play ET:QW.
I'd certainly like to have a networked game of FreeCiv too - which has worked well in the past.
Might I suggest we make a regular, if informal thing of social gaming? We can then rotate through all of these titles if people want to.
That said, roll on the QuakeWars fun.
Just would have been nice to be having this discussion /last/ week ;)
Fair point. It honestly only occurred to me today that there might be others in the same boat as me. :/
So if you want to play next week then order a copy of the game now!
I already have it! Just can't run it. :/ got Postal 2 as well and it runs like a dog ... :(
Gah. After all that, something came up tonight and I won't be able to log on for a low-requirements fraggin' session after all ... :/
On 22 Jul 11:50, samwise wrote:
If you're thinking Quake III Arena, you might like to grab hold of OpenArena instead, slightly modified engine, but still Q3Arena at the core... And anyone that hasn't got Q3 Arena can grab it... and it's Free... so we're not limited to having to purchase the game...
Just a thought - hope the rest of you have some fraggin' fun ...
I'll be missing the fragging fun mostly as I haven't got Quake Wars, and don't intend on buying a game that I'll never get time to play ;)
What we should organise at some point though is a game of FreeCIV ;)
On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 12:02:58PM +0100, Brett Parker wrote:
What we should organise at some point though is a game of FreeCIV ;)
I would love to play FreeCIV again except that the main problem with it is the length of time it takes to complete a game. It's certainly a weekend or bank holiday game that one ;)
Are there any other suggestions for fps type games that are Free software like openarena that we could play? or possibly even other types of online multiplayer games, especially those that are team orientated?
Adam Bower wrote:
World of Padman always looked like it might be fun (and family friendly). Quake3-based. http://padworld.myexp.de/
On Wed, 2008-07-23 at 10:59 +0100, Adam Bower wrote:
Ten I think suggested RTCW:Enemy Territory which whilst being free is not Free as in Freedom.
Gameplay wise it is almost the same as ETQW (ETQW effectively being the sequel based on feedback from the free Enemy Territory) no deployables or free control vehicles so not quite as good from a team play perspective but still a very enjoyable game with plenty of active servers kicking about.
Also the system requirements are quite low compared to ETQW, I had it working on a GF4 MX 440 and I think even a GF2 GTS prior to that.