Syd Hancock wrote:
Also willing to burn copies of Woody for the cost of CDs and postage if anyone is interested. I have all 7 CDs if you want the lot.
Syd - may I take you upon this offer? I'll mail you off-list but thought I'd share my story of how to waste a large amount of time first:
On Friday night I tried to get my winmodem going. In order to do this I had to install a bit of software from the linmodem site. In order to do that I had to upgrade my kernel from 2.2.ancientthing to 2.4.x. In order to do *that* I had to update and upgrade all my packages and dist from potato.ancient.stuff (I only have one phone line with a dialup modem connection so don't tend to do this very often)(and as the modem has been out of order for several weeks even less so). I couldn't point sourceslist to the internet obviously, so I used the main woody install disk someone had burnt for me. Guess what, the cdrom wasn't functioning. So I set up a samba share to the windows cdrom and tried that, which didn't work as samba asking for a password coincided each time with apt-get asking to insert cdrom and press enter, so it kept going in a loop. So I copied the entire 650m cdrom contents to the linux box and pointed apt at that, whooping with joy when I got the source-list right, but it kept erroring out halfway through. So on Saturday I put in a cdrom drive that worked, pointed sources list back to the cdrom, and then found out the burnt cdrom was faulty and the second half wouldn't read.
Of course, I could have saved hours of time and had an internet connection simply by putting the winmodem in the windows machine, but that would have been *far* too easy.
Anyhow, thanks to all for the USB and kernel answers, I'm now about to upgrade the laptop as that seems the best option.
That's funny because I spent Friday night trying to get my Zaurus syncing with Linux (it works easily with Windows but is a pain to set up under it's native OS...ironic isn't it) Anyway to cut a long story short after trying to add the usbdnet patch to my already rather messed around with SuSE kernel I gave up and tried to install an experimental SuSE kernel that already had the required patch. unfortunately due to a bug in the Experimental kernel, that left my Highpoint controller unable to read my / filesystem. Anyway by the early hours of Saturday morning my system was looking rather unhealthy.
At least part of the problem was the copious amounts of Wine being consumed while doing this ( a present from me to myself for not going down the pub again ) In my drunken state I had neglected simple things such as keeping a backup of vmlinuz and pointing a backup entry to it in Lilo....making a boot disk before starting etc.
It's all back together now with the original (modified) kernel and a correctly applied patch, funny how much easier these things are when you're sober :o)
On Monday 07 October 2002 09:30, wrote:
Syd Hancock wrote:
Also willing to burn copies of Woody for the cost of CDs and postage if anyone is interested. I have all 7 CDs if you want the lot.
Syd - may I take you upon this offer? I'll mail you off-list but thought I'd share my story of how to waste a large amount of time first:
On Friday night I tried to get my winmodem going. In order to do this I had to install a bit of software from the linmodem site. In order to do that I had to upgrade my kernel from 2.2.ancientthing to 2.4.x. In order to do *that* I had to update and upgrade all my packages and dist from potato.ancient.stuff (I only have one phone line with a dialup modem connection so don't tend to do this very often)(and as the modem has been out of order for several weeks even less so). I couldn't point sourceslist to the internet obviously, so I used the main woody install disk someone had burnt for me. Guess what, the cdrom wasn't functioning. So I set up a samba share to the windows cdrom and tried that, which didn't work as samba asking for a password coincided each time with apt-get asking to insert cdrom and press enter, so it kept going in a loop. So I copied the entire 650m cdrom contents to the linux box and pointed apt at that, whooping with joy when I got the source-list right, but it kept erroring out halfway through. So on Saturday I put in a cdrom drive that worked, pointed sources list back to the cdrom, and then found out the burnt cdrom was faulty and the second half wouldn't read.
Of course, I could have saved hours of time and had an internet connection simply by putting the winmodem in the windows machine, but that would have been *far* too easy.
Anyhow, thanks to all for the USB and kernel answers, I'm now about to upgrade the laptop as that seems the best option.
Jenny. Unsubscribe? See message headers or the web site above!