Sunday 23 October Nelson Court B Common Room 14:00 - 18:00 Pub afterwards
Bring:- working kit, need-to-get-working kit, and kit you'd like to transfer to another home software coffee makers, tea-things, and snacks friends, relations, and gerbils.
There'll be a cake-stall, but feel free to donate.
Nelson Court is the building near the LCR and main car park, i.e. not the location of the last UEA meet, but the one before.
FAO Sionide: it appears to have been booked as a meeting for an incipient student-union-soc, so get inaugurating :)
Sunday 23 October, Nelson Court B Common Room 14:00 - 18:00, Pub afterwards
I can offer transport from Lynn and points inside A47/A148/A1067 triangle to Norwich and back again for this meet. I think there are 2 or 3 seats and most of a small boot free. The plan is to leave KL at 1300 and Norwich at 1845. Please email me directly if you want to take a seat.
FAO Sionide: it appears to have been booked as a meeting for an incipient student-union-soc, so get inaugurating :)
Wow, UEA LUGsoc?