Adam and list,
I noticed that with Marks website rebuild the FAQ has appeared. First impressions are that I am impressed, even if I am quoted for saying Linux is a five letter work :o)
But I did notice a couple of things:
1) You say we're aren't a secret society etc... if we aren't why was it you insisted on that weird initiation ceromony for the newbies at the last meet ? :o)
2) What happened to my answer to the Will I be lynched for using question? it is a genuine question I got asked by one of our token OpenBSD users ?
3) One to add: What do you do on IRC? Not sure of the best answer for this one can anyone suggest anything better than my normal answer of "Well chat, what else?"
4) Mark: can we add a members page with Name, Email, homepage, Picture, small description etc...?
D - One Week to go till the Linuxbeirwanderung!
On Sat, 18 Aug 2001, David Freeman wrote:
It got edited to read as follows:
I use BSD, HP-UX, Solaris, MacOS X, etc. Will I be lynched if I join?
No, you will be fine, although asking the ALUG list for help getting your mega-doohicky 9 working under Solaris might not be good. It would be better asked on a more relevant mailing list.
my reasoning was that it looked clearer this way, what actually happened was that I spent 5 mins updating the first FAQ that I wrote and chucked it at Mark today as I was going out for the afternoon and didn't have time myself to update it properly. I figured an incomplete (or even wrong FAQ) was better than no FAQ. Mark then edited it and added some bits, changed others and did the xml markup and stuck it on the site, that is what you can see now. If anyone can think of more that they would like to see then mail them too me and I will try and get a newer revision done this week.
Well volunteered David, but you can only add people if they want you too. The information about editing for the site is there so I expect to see something in the next couple of days ;-)