Ricardo Campus wrote: "Jenny, I'll send u a copy of my XF86Config-4 and the output from dpkg -l when I get home so you can check if you have the correct X packages installed. (I also have true type fonts set up "which is nice")
What I had to do to get it working from Potato was to manually remove all the X packages, then manually apt-get install the new ones (apt-get dist-upgrade shagged it up). It's a pain, but if you have a working set of packages to crib from, it makes the job a great deal easier.
AFAIK, Woody still has the old X packages included, to aid backwards compatability. So it could be using the old 3.x series... they have *slightly* different package names to the 4.x series... all a bit confusing!
Personally, I used the source from Nvidia's site but that's because I was using a more current kernel than Debian were offering at the time. The drivers really do make a difference. wizzzzz! ;)
Apt-get install xwindow installed v4.x, however I still can't read an xf86config generated file, section headings aren't recognised, and I still have an XF86Config file rather than XF86config-4. And the logfile for startx shows it is still using v3. So how can I tell Woody I want to use 4 not 3? Perhaps I need to rip out the /etc/X11 directory and begin again like Ricardo has done. Temper is rising.
I don't wish to play games, all I want is a screen I can have 4 little xterm windows on at a time. Bah! Thanks, Jenny.
Jenny_Hopkins@toby-churchill.com wrote:
Apt-get install xwindow installed v4.x, however I still can't read an xf86config generated file, section headings aren't recognised, and I still have an XF86Config file rather than XF86config-4. And the logfile for startx shows it is still using v3. So how can I tell Woody I want to use 4 not 3? Perhaps I need to rip out the /etc/X11 directory and begin again like Ricardo has done. Temper is rising.
I don't wish to play games, all I want is a screen I can have 4 little xterm windows on at a time. Bah! Thanks, Jenny.
Have you removed the old X v3. from your system? try perhaps uninstalling all the X packages from that and possibly 4 and getting it to install from scratch. There is a possibility that you may want to look at the command update-alternatives instead though as this selects different packages when you have a choice of more than one. I would get rid of all the X packages if it was me though, and then try only installing Xv4.
Sorry I can't help more but until I get home and get Debian installed tonight there is not much I can do! (btw reinstalling Debian as Gentoo self destructed over the weekend again)
Jenny_Hopkins@toby-churchill.com Jenny_Hopkins@toby-churchill.com wrote:
startx shows it is still using v3. So how can I tell Woody I want to use 4 not 3?
"dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" should ask you which X server at the first step. -svga is v3 and -xfree86 is v4.
Perhaps I need to rip out the /etc/X11 directory and begin again like Ricardo has done.
No, don't do that!
Temper is rising.
Mine too. Are you ignoring me?