I can find very little help regarding the "InputDevice" section of xorg.conf. I have tried various "recommended for Logitech" setups but I can't make any sense of how the mouse works after trying them. There seems no logical connection between the options I set and the resulting way the mouse works.
I have now got a rally minimal InputDevice section:-
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Mouse1" Driver "mouse" Option "Protocol" "Auto" # Auto detect Option "Device" "/dev/mouse" # Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7" # Option "Emulate3Buttons" EndSection
This results with the left button being button 1, the right button being button 3 and pressing both being button 2 (so in spite of commenting out Emulate3Buttons it still does!
Then I have the two mini-buttons which are button 8 and button 9, how can I use those?
What I actually want is buttons 1 and 3 as above, one of the little buttons as button 2 (middle/paste) and the other little button ideally as a double click of button 1.
Where can I find out what all the options like "CorePointer", "Buttons", "Protocol", "ZAxisMapping" and so on actually do?
On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 07:42:40PM +0100, cl@isbd.net wrote:
Where can I find out what all the options like "CorePointer", "Buttons", "Protocol", "ZAxisMapping" and so on actually do?
You should be able to find answers to most of your questions with:
man 4x mouse zless /usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg-input-mouse/README.gz man 5x xorg.conf
(at least this is the case on my ubuntu box, exact locations/man sections might vary by distro).
On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 08:01:02PM +0100, Adam Bower wrote:
On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 07:42:40PM +0100, cl@isbd.net wrote:
Where can I find out what all the options like "CorePointer", "Buttons", "Protocol", "ZAxisMapping" and so on actually do?
You should be able to find answers to most of your questions with:
man 4x mouse
Ah, that at least tells me something about the protocols, although how they map onto the names in xorg.conf is anybody's guess!
zless /usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg-input-mouse/README.gz
I can't find anything like this on my Slackware system, I have /usr/share/doc with lots of documentation on it but nothing like the above. A Google search suggests that it's Debian specific.
man 5x xorg.conf
No, I've been there, it tells one about the 'syntax' of the xorg.conf file but nothing at all about the values one can use for the mouse options for example.
Thanks for the ideas.
On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 09:02:03PM +0100, cl@isbd.net wrote:
zless /usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg-input-mouse/README.gz
I can't find anything like this on my Slackware system, I have /usr/share/doc with lots of documentation on it but nothing like the above. A Google search suggests that it's Debian specific.
Just look for the xorg docs somewhere in there, the actual file is from x.org and contains much of what you asked about. A quick bit of search engine magic later suggests that it is the same as this http://x-org.osmirror.nl/pub/X11R6.8.0/doc/mouse.html
man 5x xorg.conf
No, I've been there, it tells one about the 'syntax' of the xorg.conf file but nothing at all about the values one can use for the mouse options for example.
It explains CorePointer and what it means, and a few other bits.
Thanks Adam
On Wednesday 25 October 2006 21:02, cl@isbd.net wrote:
I can't find anything like this on my Slackware system, I have /usr/share/doc with lots of documentation on it but nothing like the above. A Google search suggests that it's Debian specific.
Looks like http://wiki.x.org/wiki/UserDocumentation has all the info... Not simple to locate from their front page, but it is there.
Regards, Paul.