Do we have any experts on using klyx - The GUI frontend to lyx.
I think you mean the KDE port of LyX, the GUI frontend to latex.
I have been asked to assemble the tools for writing a user manual and we will need to be able to export html, pdf, and others. Having written a page or two under klyx, I can find no easy way to export the various formats. The klyx docs are not particularly helpful in this area. (Other questions in the pipeline)
Export it from LyX to LaTeX. Then you can use pdflatex (requires graphics in PNG IIRC) and htlatex to produce pdf and html respectively. latex and dvips will produce Postscript for your printers. latex and dvi2tty, or htlatex and html2text or dvitty will produce plain text. Any other formats you can't generate from those?
Or should we be looking at an alternative set of tools ?
Maybe, but I'm not sure what. I've not seriously looked at the available choices (given the need for a nice GUI front-end) for a while. The other obvious one off the top of my head would be something that produced DocBk XML for processing via Cocoon2.
MJ Ray wrote:
Do we have any experts on using klyx - The GUI frontend to lyx.
I think you mean the KDE port of LyX, the GUI frontend to latex.
Klyx is hugely out of date, it is based on lyx 0.12 (from what I can remember), anyway, the latest version of klyx was very old 2 years ago, and has a lot of bugs.
imho, you need to be looking at lyx ( I've been using this for years now, it's fast, stable, does all that you require. Version 1.2 is due for release in the next 3-6 month (I believe) and that contains a front end abstraction, with KDE,Gnome and Xforms GUIs... (check out
anyway, I would encourage anybody playing with latex to have a look.