Around March last year there were a few posts on here after I showed my emulator for an old computer (the Elliott 803) at the meeting at Syleham.
Well I'm getting very close to having a new version of that emulator ready. There are a couple of "window shots" on my site at
I would like some "linux savy" people to try building it as this is the first time I've used lots of the components (gtk,openGL,automake) etc etc ....
If you are interested please drop me an email.
Peter Onion.
The message from Peter Onion contains these words:
Around March last year there were a few posts on here after I showed my emulator for an old computer (the Elliott 803) at the meeting at Syleham.
Well I'm getting very close to having a new version of that emulator ready. There are a couple of "window shots" on my site at
I would like some "linux savy" people to try building it as this is the first time I've used lots of the components (gtk,openGL,automake) etc etc ....
If you are interested please drop me an email.
Would you like me to post this (without your e-addy) in the Shed?
I'm sure one or two people would be interested, and we have plenty of Penguinistas there.
On Mon, Feb 14, 2005 at 10:07:03PM +0000, Anthony Anson wrote:
The message from Peter Onion contains these words:
Around March last year there were a few posts on here after I showed my emulator for an old computer (the Elliott 803) at the meeting at Syleham.
Well I'm getting very close to having a new version of that emulator ready. There are a couple of "window shots" on my site at
I would like some "linux savy" people to try building it as this is the first time I've used lots of the components (gtk,openGL,automake) etc etc ....
If you are interested please drop me an email.
Would you like me to post this (without your e-addy) in the Shed?
I'm sure one or two people would be interested, and we have plenty of Penguinistas there.
My brother-in-law worked at Elliot Automation at the time when they were developing the 803 and the 503, would you be interested in getting in touch with him?
I remember when I was at Bristol University they had a 503.