I just looked at the wiki and noticed that it hadn't been updated for a while and thought I'd ask how everyone was finding it? Are people finding it useful? Are people finding it easy to use / easy to add things to it, etc?
Had some discussions about it at the last Syleham kit meet where I heard some interesting arguments in favour of reducing the amount of information (rather than the usual focus of adding more) which were convincing, and also someone proposing more restrictions on who should be allowed to edit - which were views that hadn't really come across on the mailing list before, I thought. I've also borne the former in mind, in my last few edits - removing things I had added which I don't think were working.
I think most people are agreed, tho, that the theme needs simplifying - at the kit meet, I said I'd try to set up some suggestions on my home webserver for ppl to comment. Unfortunately, I need to rebuild that so I'm waiting for my housemate to upgrade his PC so I can steal his old bits ... ;)
Personally, I'm happy enough now that there's a set of meeting dates on the wiki front-page that we can keep up to date.
The main thing left I'd like to see is making the wiki the front-page of the site - unless anyone thinks there's any info left to migrate from the old site?