At long last the Great Website Renovation is done. We should be on Martyn's host and fully operation in a few days, and I think that includes email redirectors for anyone that wants them (right Martyn?).
In the short term, I need your help to make the site more substantial. From the old site, we have: - Contact details page - Mailing list sign-up and archive - Meetings information for the first five - Meeting venues information (in the next day or two)
This is a general call for articles on any Linux-related topic. You can provide them in a number of ways, including marked up into very simple XML (much simpler than HTML), or just by making text and graphics available to me somehow.
Personally, I am particularly interested in having the following: - Meetings information for the rest (mailing list+memory, anyone?) - Articles from a new user's point of view - Reviews of some Linux Games - Pointers to new-user information but this is not a concrete list, so feel free to discuss them or suggest other ideas to the mailing list.
I'm also *desperate* for more people to help with the site. Workload should be minimal and everything should be as easy as possible now (at last!), but it was some time since I asked and I don't know how situations have changes, so I'm asking again.
Looking forward to your replies!