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From: member jessejazza jessejazza@opensuse.us
Date: 19 Mar 2008 10:00
Subject: Re: [ALUG] info
To: Wayne Stallwood ALUGlist@digimatic.co.uk
On 19/03/2008, Wayne Stallwood ALUGlist@digimatic.co.uk wrote:
On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 12:01 +0000, chestep wrote:
Hi Alug
Hi there
I store my emails in folders I create within Thunderbird, then hope to
export those I need to keep longer to my main drive outside of
This is fine for just one/individual email, as I can do a SaveAs to file.
This is not fine if I want to export/save a whole folderfull of emails,
as the 'File or Template' option of File/SaveAs/File or Template is
greyed out.
I am not a thunderbird user but can't you select multiple messages by
holding down the control key ? or a block of messages by clicking on the
first one and then holding down alt when you click on the last one ?
What happens to the SaveAs option then ?
Alternatively if there is an export function can it not select specific
folders to export from or can it only do the whole of your mail store ?
If you only get an option for Inbox, Drafts, Sent etc then can you
create a new folder called archive at that level rather than a sublevel
of the Inbox and then just export that ?
Sorry mostly guesswork there
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I have used Thunderbird for several years now. It is the only email
client i know that has an Import/Export addon which is ideal for
archiving a years emails to another folder [several options html, eml]
which you can then read from Thunderbird or Firefox.
Just looked it up again it's called ImportExportTools. I don't know
what other folk do but this is the only email client i'm aware of
offering such a useful function and the reason why i've stayed with
Thunderbird. I've actually gone back to using webmail as i use several
machines but still use Thunderbird for archiving.