As you probably know I have finally gotten sound working on my ThinkPad. I got audio CDs working, MP3s working and web sounds like YouTube.
I have had it working for about a week and it has been fine. However, this morning I turned on my machine, booted it, installed the updates Update Manager told me to and rebooted. On reboot, I heard for the first time ever on this machine the Ubuntu start up chime.
I've not changed any of the settings apart from installing the updates, and my sound voulme has always been up full.Just curious to why it has suddenly started.
Simon Royal
--- Twitter: http://twitter.com/SimonRoyal - LowEndMac: http://tinyurl.com/macspectrum - Skype: Simon-Royal. --- IBM ThinkPad 600 running Ubuntu 10.04 & Apple iBook G3 running OSX 10.4.
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