Hi I'm trying to use a b+w monitor with the new xd640 desktop. This desktop uses the fvwm2 window manager and is built with FLTK. I was using an X configuration with 1bpp as the default colour depth which is OK for fvwm2, but not for FLTK. I now have set the colour depth to 4bpp, but need to change the colour assignments in fvwm2rc so that I can see what is going on. I think that I can use a greyscale palette, or shades of grey/black and white. I know that white is rgb:ffff/ffff/ffff and black rgb:0/0/0, but does anyone know where I'd get info on shades of grey and how to set them? I've had a look around the man pages at setpalette etc but this doesn't seem to have what I'm looking for. thanks
Glen Tyler glen.tyler@tesco.net wrote:
I think that I can use a greyscale palette, or shades of grey/black and white. I know that white is rgb:ffff/ffff/ffff and black rgb:0/0/0, but does anyone know where I'd get info on shades of grey and how to set them?
greys are just rgb all equal, like rgb:8888/8888/8888, but restricting your applications to a certain colormap is an art I wasn't ever that great at either.
I'm not sure that setting it to 4bpp is the best way to go, if higher bpp work, but are just greyscale on your mono monitor. If a particular application has a default that is invisible in mono, it's probably an interface bug and you should report it. Beware packager defaults, though.