Sorry about my abrupt departure from irc last night - I rebooted convinced it was going to work, but it didn't. :-) Then when I booted back into the old kernel I couldn't get any dns stuff working any more. :-(
This is the box which first had a 2.2.18-pre21 kernel which refused stubbornly to upgrade by me building a kernel from a 2.4.19 or 2.4.20 image, however many times I rebuilt it with different tweaks. It wouldn't get past "loading linux" and a bunch of dots.
I reinstalled on this box yesterday from the woody 3.0 disks, using the stock 2.2.20 kernel, then I tried to upgrade last night, this time using the debian apt insta;ll kernel-image-2.4.18-686 thing, - when I rebooted it displayed exactly the same behaviour as above.
Is it possible that you can get some hardware that will never run certain kernels?
On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 10:27:24AM +0100, wrote:
Is it possible that you can get some hardware that will never run certain kernels?
Erm not really. I don't know which hardwares you are using at the moment (if it is the machine I've sold you then everything should really work!).
Try rolling your own kernel instead of debian's ones.
I wasn't in the IRC discussion, so apologies if I'm going over old ground. Are you trying to mount your root filesystem from an IDE drive? If so, please note that kernel-image-2.4.18-686 doesn't have IDE support compiled in. I've decided to blame that for my inability to run this kernel, and it could also be to blame for yours.
kernel-image-2.4.18-bf does have IDE support compiled in, but I can't run that either, because it's too big for Loadlin. If you're using a boot-loader other than Loadlin, you might have more luck.
On Tue, 27 May 2003 wrote:
This is the box which first had a 2.2.18-pre21 kernel which refused stubbornly to upgrade by me building a kernel from a 2.4.19 or 2.4.20 image, however many times I rebuilt it with different tweaks. It wouldn't get past "loading linux" and a bunch of dots.
I reinstalled on this box yesterday from the woody 3.0 disks, using the stock 2.2.20 kernel, then I tried to upgrade last night, this time using the debian apt insta;ll kernel-image-2.4.18-686 thing, - when I rebooted it displayed exactly the same behaviour as above.