Hi The Do Different Computer Show that was discussed on IRC has been cancelled. However as a replacement a Spectrum and SAM Coupé computer Show called ORSAM 2003 is to be held in Norwich. For details see: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/speccyverse/orsam.htm You are all warmly invited to come. At the show I would like to have a computer (Linux?) with a webcam and irc server running so that people in North America and others who could not turn up could take part in the show. Maybe a Spectrum or SAM could be connected to it take part in the IRC chat. I could provided a broadband connect only a few metres from the venue, a webcam, a computer and a spectrum. What I do not have is Wireless hardware, knowledge or much time on the day, though I will give what I can. Any help would be much appreciated.
On Thursday 28 August 2003 20:37, Craig wrote:
Oh my god. I seriously remember the SAM Coupe! Crash magazine were raving about it in the past. Shame it never caught on..
Never realised that it actually made it into production !
I remember dreaming about having one when I had my 128K, but then I discovered the Amiga a while after and my Spectrum days faded into a distant memory.
Mind you the sound of a tape loading ....neeerrrr..ne....neeerrrrr...nenenenenenen. Has become so ingrained in my head that at one point I thought I preferred the sound of Jet Set Willy to the music tapes in my car.
I also vaguely remember a Radio (or was it TV) station that used to transmit programs that you could save to tape and load onto the speccy (or if you were feeling really brave load direct from the transmission)...those were the days, pah wireless networks...we had networks that used a Wireless !
Right, where did my slippers and pipe go ?
On 2003-08-29 20:02:18 +0100 Wayne Stallwood wayne.stallwood@btinternet.com wrote:
I get the same about modem connect noises. Ahhh, east anglia....
I can't remember which this was, but I think the BBC had gadgets for getting software off of teletext. They even tried PC software at one point, but it didn't seem to catch on.
On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Wayne Stallwood wrote:
Sorry to be off topic but I had to respond to this message!!
Mind you the sound of a tape loading ....neeerrrr..ne....neeerrrrr...nenenenenenen.
And after what would seem like ages up would pop break error or whatever the error on my C64 used to be!!
Has become so ingrained in my head that at one point I thought I preferred the sound of Jet Set Willy to the music tapes in my car.
Now there is a blast from the past!! Jet Set Willy...Daley Thompson's Decathlon!!! (how many 48K speccie keyboards did that kill!!) I could go on!!
Did anybody else find that the website made them feel nauseous whilst reading it ;-) (nice retro background from the days of Mosaic!!)
Right, where did my slippers and pipe go ?
LOL!! I am feeling very old now!!
On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 20:03, Simon Jude wrote:
Manic Miner
On Friday, Aug 29, 2003, at 20:02 Europe/London, Wayne Stallwood wrote:
Take a look via google :)
Okay, if you get jet set willy to load etc. You remember it was using a basic loading screen?
Now, remember other games like Outrun which had that countdown loading screen? That was really scary in my days since you have to practically somewhat sit there and pray for it to load. I hated it when loading/games kicks in the 'reset' position. Oh the _pain_ of that.
There were so many different loading screens. Gotta find them all........
Right, where did my slippers and pipe go ?
Over here, with a cup of tea and the usual grandparent's biscuits ;)