Is there any way to make my 'external' host name resolve correctly when used on my home network behind a NAT router firewall?
To access the apache server on my Linux box from the outside world the address is:-
Is there any way I can get this to resolve when used on the LAN at home? This would allow me to send URLs to my wife and/or other family members so they can use them directly rather than me having to remember to change the to the local name of my Linux box.
I could go round adding an entry to all the LMHOSTS/HOSTS files in the Windows systems I suppose but that seems a little laborious.
On 1/4/06, Chris Green wrote:
Is there any way to make my 'external' host name resolve correctly when used on my home network behind a NAT router firewall?
It is a tricky problem. Some routers will do it for you, but certainly my common DG845 doesn't so I have tweaked the hosts files on 2 PCs to resolve the name to the 192.168. address. If all the internal PCs use a proxy, then only the proxy needs to know.
Hope this helps, Tim.