I am running Debian 2.2, kernel 2.2.17pre6 and a SoundBlaster Live using the Creative/Emu module.
Try as I might I cannot record anything!
When I say I cannot record I mean that, although I can create a file by using something like Gramofile, Sound-recorder or KRecord, when it is played back it produces silence (not a scientifically accurate statement)!
If I boot the machine into Windows 95 (shudder!!!) I can record and playback successfully and I can play the recorded .wav file back using Linux. The recorded file produced by Linux also produces silence under windows.
I have tried recording as a user and as root - no difference. /dev/dsp has rw permission for owner and group.
Anyone want a recording of silence?
Barry Samuels
On 10-Sep-00 Barry Samuels wrote:
I am running Debian 2.2, kernel 2.2.17pre6 and a SoundBlaster Live using the Creative/Emu module.
Try as I might I cannot record anything!
Are you are using a mixer control prog of some sort and are un-muting the source you are trying to record from ???
---------------------------------- E-Mail: Peter Onion Peter.Onion@btinternet.com Date: 10-Sep-00 Time: 21:42:45
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