I'm a bit of a "sleeping member" but I'm intending to come up to Syleham on Sunday.
I'll bring my Mini-ITX SuSE 9.0 machine along. It's got images of the the SuSE 9.0 CDs on it for network (nfs) installs if anyone wants to do that.
It'll run as a wireless access point as well if needs be.
Peter Onion
On 2004-02-26 20:31:29 +0000 Peter Onion Peter.Onion@btinternet.com wrote:
I've not seen any other posts about this, so I'm wondering if it is still going ahead ?
It is, as far as I know. I've been busy, but think I'll be there. Anyone wanting a left lift from Lynn, Downham, Thetford Diss or similar and back, drop me an email.
On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 09:01:50PM +0000, MJ Ray wrote:
Anyone going from Norwich and prepared to offer a lift?
On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 09:13:18PM +0000, Jonathan McDowell wrote:
I will be going Aylsham > Norwich > A140 so can give you a lift (and i know where you live ;)) and I will have space for 1 more person if someone wants it.
I've not seen any other posts about this, so I'm wondering if it is still going ahead ?
BJ posted an announcement early last week so it should be. I plan to be there and looking forward to seeing Revolution OS finally!
I noticed that Adam has offered lifts from Norwich for Jonathan plus one other - if there is anyone else needing a lift from the Norwich area email me off-list.
Also, I should have a CD burner - and blank CD-Rs - with me so if anyone has any intereresting FOSS s/w to share, bring it along e.g. recent versions of mandrake 10 or knoppix, Gentoo, Fedora etc. I think there is a version of Knoppix with kernel 2.6 and KDE 3.2 - does anyone have this?
On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 06:49:07AM +0000, Syd Hancock wrote:
Oh yeah, I also have 4 copies of LinuxUser & Developer magazine with coverdiscs including "Sun Java Desktop" to give away (courtesy of LinuxUser & Developer magazine) I will try and remember to bring them this time, instead of forgetting them like I did at the forum.
Thanks Adam
----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter Onion" Peter.Onion@btinternet.com To: "ALUG" main@lists.alug.org.uk Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:31 PM Subject: Re: [ALUG] Syleham Meeting Sunday 29th
I can confirm the meeting will go ahead as planned 2:00pm onwards at Syleham & Wingfield Village Hall.
Cheers, BJ
On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 06:07:24AM +0000, Syd Hancock wrote:
Wimp! :-)
I live down down one of "those tiny lanes" and rode my motorbike to work this morning. I have to admit I did wonder if I was being stupid but I made it without any disasters.
FWIW Syleham is just a bit far for me, I live about as far from Syleham as is possible while still being in Suffolk. I know Syleham quite well though, we used to own a cottage ay Hoxne on the B1118 (is it still that?) just before the road to Syleham turns off.
On Mon, 2004-03-01 at 16:53, Syd Hancock wrote:
Well, frankly, on the way there (Aylsham -> Norwich -> A140 -> B1118 -> Syleham at about 2pm) the roads were dry and clear, no snow, the weather was fine, the conditions were excellent etc etc. There was a *light* dusting of snow while we were there, which made very little difference in the handling of the car on the way back at around 5.45pm, and once we were back on the A140, the road was merely wet as if from rain. Not a problem :)
It had crossed my mind that the meeting might be a bit of a washout - not because of the weather but because of peoples' fears about the weather.
On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 09:10:44PM +0000, Kirsten Naylor wrote:
I was ill is my excuse - shame really as Adam was kindly going to give me a lift and I wanted to see Revolution OS. I wouldn't have been much fun though.
Great, good, wonderful, glad to hear it. As I said, I nearly got stuck on saturday with a car full of kids near Hempnall/Saxlingham. I decided to stay at home.
Now, instead of winges about the lack of moral fibre from people like myself, how about some info of who *did* attend since it seems that there were more than the two people indicated in the original message :-)
----- Original Message ----- From: "Syd Hancock" syd@toufol.com To: "alug" main@lists.alug.org.uk Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 7:26 AM Subject: Re: [ALUG] Syleham Meeting Sunday 29th
Myself (BJ), John (with homemade biscuits, thanks) MJR, Adam, Kirty, Brett, Peter Onion (with very interesting emulator of a very old mainframe... something begining with E 800 which had very cool graphics and noises).
I can do a showing of Revolution OS at any Syleham meeting for those who haven't seen it or who want to see it again.
cheers, BJ
On Tue, 2004-03-02 at 14:26, John Woodard wrote:
Elliott 803. Here is a picture of the machine I used to use when I was at school. http://www.g6lvb.com/803.htm
More pictures at http://members.ozemail.com.au/~jacksmth/ell803.htm including a shot of the Calcomp 565 plotter (as emulated on my laptop last Sunday).
On 2004-03-01 06:07:24 +0000 Syd Hancock syd@toufol.com wrote:
The roads were surprisingly clear for Syleham. The approach through Brockdish was fine, although the snow made the hill a little slidey for my poor car's little tyres leading the convoy out. Did I clear the road for the others? Got back to the A143 and there was little snow to be seen.
I thought the meeting was quite fun, with old machine emulators, Revolution OS, and talking about all of you in your absence. :) Did your ears burn?