Hi all, I introduced myself the other day but foolishly forgot to include a Subject. If you missed that mail and have questions, just ask.
MJ Ray wrote:
... lugmasters have been looking at merging/co-hosting dynamic sites, to ease maintenance: there just aren't enough webmaster-hours to go round. If iPlug has spare webmaster-hours, please share them!
I should probably commit them for one-time projects and events rather than for the continuing running of things, but I have some spare webmaster-hours here and there. I can update static and dynamic things, install and administrate CMSs and the like, and various other things that you shouldn't trust people with when you know them as well as you know me. If anyone has a surplus of project and the cause is good, drop me a mail to say what's required and I'll tell you whether I can help.
I'll keep and eye on the Wiki and see if I can be useful there.