I am thinking around the problem of improving my backups having had a near disaster a couple of months ago (some disk recovery software saved my bacon).
The home network consists of a Linux (slackware) server machine that is on all the time and two or three Win2k desktop machines. I have an old DAT tape drive on the Linux box but I'm leaning towards using the DVD writer on my Win2k desktop machine instead.
Backing up the home directories on the Linux box is easy[ish] as they are all simply below the /home directory. However trying to gather the Win2k files I need to backup as well is more messy. I can map drives either way across the network and I could quite easily move the DVD writer to the Linux box.
Does anyone here have any recommendations for backup programs for this sort of scenario. What I'm particularly after is something that will have a reasonably good shot at selecting files to be backed up without me having to specify every single folder. I'm quite happy to add a few 'rogue' ones as I find them (e.g. my Palm files) but there must be soemthing that will make a half reasonable shot at finding most 'user' files.