Nico Morgan writes:
Have members any experience of the Handspring visor (Prob deluxe) and the Palm (m100, IIIxe) working with their Linux boxes? The documentation seems to imply that both will work perfectly well with the Palm syncing conduits and so on...
I have a Palm working well with coldsync, and I've seen other tools based on pilot-xfer working too. JPilot is highly regarded if you actually want to work with the PIM data rather than just back it up, and I understand Gnome and KDE desktop environments both offer some syncing.
On Friday 16 February 2001 23:10, MJ Ray wrote:
I have a Palm working well with coldsync, and I've seen other tools based on pilot-xfer working too. JPilot is highly regarded if you actually want to work with the PIM data rather than just back it up, and I understand Gnome and KDE desktop environments both offer some syncing.
JPilot works well for me, StarOffice is also an option which is pretty effective a syncing a Palm.
I have yet to get conectivity with my Psion 3c and Linux though.
Cheers, BJ