Hi, Does anybody know how to stop SuSE 9 from writing data to the hard disk of my laptop so very often. Basically, if you have done this already yourself, and are quite familiar with the set of things that need to be done and how to do them, please get in touch with me. I have changed a couple of settings that helped (I'm not usre if these changes were durable from one session to the next) that helped but I can't remember what I changed, so I probably need to re-visit this topic myself and post some more useful info to help with this query. I think I changed the percentage of a buffer that could be used up before it had to be written to disk, and another thing or two also, but I can't remember more now. Anyway, I thought someone might actually know everything off by heart, and could pass it on.
On Monday 09 February 2004 21:36, Bryce Martin wrote:
Hi, Does anybody know how to stop SuSE 9 from writing data to the hard disk of my laptop so very often. Basically, if you have done this already yourself, and are quite familiar with the set of things that need to be done and how to do them, please get in touch with me. I have changed a couple of settings that helped (I'm not usre if these changes were durable from one session to the next) that helped but I can't remember what I changed, so I probably need to re-visit this topic myself and post some more useful info to help with this query. I think I changed the percentage of a buffer that could be used up before it had to be written to disk, and another thing or two also, but I can't remember more now. Anyway, I thought someone might actually know everything off by heart, and could pass it on.
One thing that always catches me out is the -- Mark -- that gets written to / var/log/messages every 20 mins by syslog. On SuSE I fix this by editing a line in /etc/sysconfig/syslog
Not sure if that is the "proper" place to change such a thing, but at the time working backwards from when syslog gets started by it's init script it seemed like the most logical place.
I leave it in place for desktops and servers though, I have in the past known syslogd to crash very quietly and at least the -- Mark --'s give me some verification that logs were being written to when I inspect them.