Hi All,
Following these .NET threads I couldn't help smiling.
C#...?? Sorry, who needs another 'C/C++' like language. (I trust everyone
realises the # is a ++ on ++, ie C# is C++++ (NOT!!!).
C++ is a well defined mature standardised programming language. I can
already write cross platform code with it. OK I need to compile on whatever
platform but compilers are very compliant, and if I use posix api for
threads and standard winsock api etc etc .... you get the picture. So why
would I want to move to an immature, unproven, non-standard(yet) mechanism
driven by the one company on this planet that I actually HATE.
If C++ isn't up to what I need then Java can fill that gap usually, but
there are all the other Perl/Python/yadayayada etc that I can also get
into. Open, standardised, mature, robust.
There is nothing Sharp about C#, it is a blatant plagiarism of Java. As
such it is very blunt.
Runtime engine, garbage collector, libraries. Sorry that's Java. And if I
want something that looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks, I'll
get a duck thank you very much.
My 2 penneth.
Hailstorm??? Sorry, M$ do not have a very good record with authentication
services.... PPTP anyone ?
my .ARSE