> From: MJ Ray Sent: 13 January 2006 19:52
> "Keith Watson" <keith.watson(a)kewill.com>
> > Has anyone got any comments, warnings, POW, etc. about burning data
> > DVDs under Gnu/Linux?
> - growisofs is much simpler than cdrecord;
> - libburn looked nice, but I've still not upgraded to it, not
> sure whether it does DVDs too; and
> - I still don't get asked for DVDs anywhere near as often as for CDs.
> Hope that helps,
Had a play with both K3B and growisofs at the weekend, both worked very
well and did everything I asked. Interestingly K3B seems to use
growisofs as its backend for DVD burning. I must admit as an old time
fogey (punch cards, paper tape, etc. etc.) I'm still more comfortable
with CLI rather than GUI tools (I'm always a little bit paranoid about
what GUI tools are doing behind my back) so I think I'll probably be
using growisofs most of the time.
BEAUTY, n. - The power by which a woman charms a lover and terrifies a
husband. - Ambrose Bierce - The Devil's Dictionary