Craigo said:
>> The round table thing sounds intertesting.
>And we introduce women dressing up very nicely with tons of food in the
>centre while discussing life in general ;)
You can *talk* - the only women likely to be there will be most likely to
be in full bike gear (including the baggy waterproofs) eating rapidly
through the mountain of food.
MJRay wrote:
>> The round table thing sounds intertesting.
>What topic?
Will Adam be able to come? He was going to do a talk on debian apt.
Would anyone talk on security? I've always been hazy on this subject.
Does anyone want me to see if I can bring an iPaq embedded with a modified
version of debian, used to run a speech program?
Was it Andrew that got the job doing graphics on none other than HP2 etc
etc who was going to do a talk on how it works? Did I miss that?