Yesterday, on my way to Ipswich I stopped at SBS Computers in Wittnesham to
buy new IDE Cables. Talking to the proprietor, we touched briefly on the
subject of Linux, in which he expressed an interest. I offered to return and
talk him through an install of Mandrake 8.1, as he was interested in putting
a 'free' OS into the second hand computers he sells. I returned today,
(having to return some faulty goods to a shop in Ipswich), unfortunately, a
problem occurred with installing Mandrake 8.1 in the next batch of Computers
being prepared for sale, which I lacked both the experience and knowledge to
overcome. Is there anyone on the list in the Ipswich area who could give some
help and advice to SBS Computers. This would go a long way towards
fulfilling one of ALUG's aims, that of promoting linux, as his customers
would be going away with a computer pre-loaded with linux.
The contact address for SBS Computers is: < info(a) >.
John Seago