speccyverse@ntlworld.com wrote on 23 June 2003 17:59:
This is the monthly meeting of RUNG, we would be delighted if ALUG would advertise it. I have accidentally sent the email to MJ Ray, for a second time because ALUG runs this silly policy where Reply-To is not set to the mailing list. Could this please please be changed.
Oh, FFS - we've been through all of this as to why the list's Reply-To function is as it is. It's the _default_ and _recommended_ behaviour for Mailman mailing lists. It makes sense - Reply will respond directly to the author, and Reply All will respond to the author AND the rest of the list. Mailman will also deal with any duplicates - if it detects that you're already subscribed to the mailing list but notices a private copy has already been sent it will not email out another copy to you.
If I can run many project-oriented Mailman lists at work without any complaints from the members, many of whom are not computer literate, then I fail to see why a LUG produces so many complaints!