Wayne Stallwood ALUGlist@digimatic.plus.com
Expos=C3=A9 ? While not quite the paradigm shift in desktop computing that Apple would have you believe, Expos=C3=A9 actually goes a long way to solve the buried window problem...and does this on a GUI that suffers from that problem less than most.
http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/expose/ if anyone hasn't seen the hype yet. F10 (tile all) and F11 (hide all) aren't that revolutionary, but F9 (scale down) is a fun trick.
I am surprised that that a work-alike hasn't been integrated into Gnome or KDE yet, but even without Googling I am sure something similar is being worked on.
I expect it will be helped by the new developments in X display that should make it faster and easier.
Thanks for the ideas,