Small reminder: ALUG meet at UEA on Sunday. See
Now a message that MK LUG asked us to pass on:
Note that "services need to be clearly relevant to education."
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Open Source in Schools Event
From: David Willington <david.willington(a)>
Dear All
I've been asked by Hemel Hempstead School to help organise a conference
putting together schools with an interest in Open Source software with
businesses and individuals that can offer support and advice. I'm based
in Sheffield where I've just organised one for schools up here. I called the
event OSCARS (Open Source Choices and Resources for Schools) and it came
about as a result of this year's FLOSSIE (Free, Libre and Open Source
Software in Education) conference in Bolton where the view was that
everyone there already know about FLOSS and what was needed was a
conference to inform people who don't know about FLOSS. The reason for
Hemel Hempstead is that I know the new Head there and she said that
Sheffield was too far to come.
This is the second OSCARS. I learned a few lessons from the first one.
Firstly I'm going to try to keep a clear focus on education - the
school's getting the schools together, and I'm approaching the Linux
community. I'm keen to avoid a room full of Open Source converts, which
is what happened at FLOSSIE. I'm planning to get about 10 businesses
offering a range of solutions that are directly relevant to education
and which are open source based, and ask the school to guarantee at
least 25 schools. One of the companies that came to the first one was
(as far as I can tell) offering Open Source on the back of a proprietary
package. There's nothing wrong with this, but I'm eager to point out to
schools that Open Source can come without ties. In other words, an
exclusively Open Source event, although companies and businesses working
with proprietary software are welcome along so long as they're
demonstrating their open source options. From the businesses' point of
view, experience in schools is good, but I don't think it's essential.
However services need to be clearly relevant to education.
If anyone would be interested in being involved I'd be delighted to hear
from you. The proposed date is Fri 27 Jan 2006 and the venue is
Hemel Hempstead School, Heath Lane, Hemel Hempstead.
David Willington
The monthly "Second Thursday" ALUG Norwich Pub Meet is *tonight*,
13th October. Apologies for the lack of notice - it's been on the
website for a while now, but I forgot to send the reminder mail at the
start of the week.
It's at the Reindeer pub on the Dereham Road, just opposite the City
Gate. We'll be there from 8pm-ish, though there may be a few people
there earlier.
Topics for discussion will no doubt be as varied as ever.
Directions to the Reindeer can be found at:
Pictures of some of the regulars, and irregulars, and, well, just some
pictures of people that might or might not turn up are available from:
Which should hopefully aid those of you wondering who to look out for.
We're /normally/ just to the left of the main entrance.
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ALUG @ Nelson Court B Common Room, UEA, Norwich
Weekend meeting: Sunday 23rd October 2005
Plan for the meeting
We will meet up from 2pm onwards; we have the room until 6pm. The
meeting is open to anyone interested in GNU/Linux or any Free/Open
Source software.
This meeting is particularly suitable if you want to bring along kit
for hands-on help with installing, configuring or using linux
distributions or applications or if you have something interesting
that you'd like other people to see. It's also an opportunity to bring
along old kit that's looking for a new home.
There will probably be coffee and cake available; feel free to bring
along a donation. Assuming the college bar is open we'll head there
around 6ish.
If you would like to get some help at the meeting, it is a good idea
to mention it on [3]the main ALUG mailing list beforehand, although it
is by no means a requirement. Please note we won't have internet
access available.
How to get there
For directions, please see [4]the UEA venue information page.
There are offers of carshares from the west and south. Please ask on
the mailing list if interested.
People at the meeting
If you will be coming to this meeting, please try to say so on the
mailing list, so we can have some idea of how many people may be
there. Someone needs to bring biscuits - or home-made cakes - of
course :-)
Important disclaimer: Equipment is brought at your own risk.
We strongly suggest that you tag or label your kit. No known thefts
have occurred at our meetings, but there is ample scope for going home
with the wrong cables, etc. Be sure to bring all appropriate power
cables etc. An extra extension lead will also be a good idea.
For information about this meeting or venue, please [5]use the mailing