---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: 2003-12-03 10:06:19 +0000 From: chris williams webboss@ntlworld.com Subject: Linux Ham headcount
Hi All,
Would you mind asking around your lugs to see if you have and Radio Amateurs in your groups. If you could you ask any "Linux Hams" you find lurking to drop a very quick mail to :-
At this stage Im doing a quick headcount using an email countbot to see roughly how many are about, but if there is enough interest a couple of members from our group plan to put together a UK based Linux-Ham resource site etc...
We (Shropshire LUG) recently did a "Linux Awareness Day" at Telford Radio Rally - a national event kind of like a computer fair on steriods for radio amateurs. Quite a good event - several thousand visitors all of whom had to walk past our display to get to the bargains - lots of interest - kept 6 of us on the display stand busy all day with demos and chat :)
Judging from the number of visitors we spoke to who indicated they used linux already there should be potentially quite a few. Our lug has about half a dozen out of our 60ish membership that are radio amateurs (around 10%). I will be interested to see if this is a national thing or if we are just a strange bunch of anoraks here in shropshire ;)
cheers all...
Chris W (g7/m3nbp)
-- Christopher J Williams LugMaster for Shropshire - http://www.shropshire.lug.org