Remember I posted an item on the Main list on backup strategies a while back?
Here's an interesting article from slashdot on the same topic;
Linux Backups Made Easy
mfago writes "A colleague of mine has written a great [0] tutorial on how to use rsync to create automatic [1]"snapshot-style" backups. Nothing is required except for a simple script, although it is thus not necessarily suitable for data-center applications. Please try to be gentle on his server: it is the $80 computer that he mentions in the tutorial. Perhaps try the [2]Google cache." An excellent article answering a frequently asked question. Links 0. 1. 2. s/rsync_snapshots/+%22mike+rubel%22&hl=en&ie=UTF-8
Regards, Keith Watson ____________ Whatever thou sayest of God is untrue. Meister Eckhart