Probably of interest to many subscribers. MJR
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 13:31:38 +0000 From: James Cronin Subject: New ID Card Campaign Launched [...] Quick summary: the Home Office opened a public consultation on their ID card proposals. They were very pleased to get 1500 responses after nearly six months, and said the majority were in favour. We've rustled up nearly a 1000 responses in one day - and they're almost entirely dead set against. And that's before we told you about it.
Some of the story follows. There's more info, links and a chance for you to have your say at: [...] We're worried that those who disagree with an ID card may be being under-represented. Dan Blanchard described what happened when he mailed the HO saying that he didn't think ID cards were necessary. Back came the reply from the Home Office: "Thank you for your e-mail of 13th December in support of the introduction of an entitlement/identity card scheme." [...] HOW TO DO IT You can either use our simple check-box front-end at or write directly to the Entitlement Cards Unit (full info at ). You might want to use the latter route if you're broadly in support [snip!]