Well, despite my protestations, it was actually a remarkably nice day to go to Syleham, with the low autumn sun keeping us warm as we looked out over the fields from the village hall. It also dazzled us, but closing the curtains soon sorted that one out!
Rather a surprisingly poor turnout (and where were you?), but quite a few pieces of kit to install, fix or experiment on and quite a lot of interesting discussion. Thanks to John, John, Colin, David and Brett for turning up.
Two debian installations took place, including one "bend to fit" install onto a machine that just won't boot from CD and has a processor slow enough that the install didn't finish before the meeting... here's hoping it resumes neatly!
Demonstrations of DemoLinux and Knoppix were run on a Dell Laptop. To some people's surprise, they both worked fine, although DemoLinux didn't autodetect the country it was in (should it?) and Knoppix complained bitterly about trying to start OpenOffice. Both of these CDs are available to take away now, if anyone wants them.
The meeting concluded with handing out of AFFS information packs (www.affs.org.uk), the ceremonial filling of the beer glass and some coloured lights and beeping as we tried not to set off the alarms as we left.
The next meeting is pencilled in for King's Lynn on 1 December, if that's OK for people? After Christmas, I'd like to try to run "Welcome to Linux" sessions, but there's no replies to the thread on the main list yet...