In reply to Adam's link:
Whoever wrote that sounds like a petulant child and bullshitter of the
first degree, wonder what he got paid to spout that one out? (I'd have
done it for a few grand less....)
Seriously, that does have a desperate tone to it. D'you think Bill sees
his profit margin decreasing to just the few hundred billion?
Just remember, all, - Linux is NOT FREE, your system can be hacked into by
ANYONE due to the open source software, and there are NO DRIVERS for ANY of
it so it WON'T WORK.
The trouble is, of course, that there are a lot of people out there who
will read that and believe it. When I first installed linux, the attitude
from my peers (and the now infamous windows network administrator..) was
"what do you want to go back to that old command-line shit again for?
There aren't any applications written for linux, and no drivers...."; an
opinion based on articles such as these rather than any known facts. (The
same people are now beginning to say they fancy having a look round linux
in slightly more impressed tones, you'll be glad to hear).
We need a good hacker to hack up a link on that ms page to The Truth.