I am trying to work out what a blog might do for me.
I have a wiki running on my home Linux box alread (TWiki) and I find
it useful for some things, I tend to use it as a CM tool rather than a
wiki really as I am about the only contributor! :-) Still it allows
me to give other members of the family some space to play in and it
allows me to add to and create web pages when I'm away from home.
Now I have a need for a diary type tool of some sort and, fairly
obviously, blogs come to mind. However having played with a couple
I'm still a bit confused as to what they actually offer. Apart from
the ability to edit a web page and add stuff on a sequential basis is
there anything special that a blog does that a wiki doesn't? Or, more
particularly, are there any things that a blog makes easy that are more
difficult with other tools?
Chris Green