Greetings Penguin Worshippers,
Just signed up for your group since I've decided to have another go at
getting into linux. I failed a couple of years back after giving up on getting
my network card working w/ Red Hat 7.1. I even had 2 linux gurus come in and try
and get it working with no success.
I am a student placement working as an OSS Engineer at BTexact in Ipswich,
Suffolk. I've always been a big programmer/hacker/code monkey and wisked away
many an hour making some useless application or another. I'm getting fed up with
doing windows programming and wanting to try something different... And so my
long journey towards a new faith, "linux", begins. Under the true gods... a
Penguin and a Goat.
So, to start off. What distros are used by most of you, since I don't wanna
start using a distro I can't get help for. Plus, I don't know which Distro would
be best suited for a homeuser/developer/gamer.
The only two distros I've really had a look at are Debian and Red Hat. One,
because a mate of mine used it, and the other simply because I hear the name Red
Hat all the time (Never knew if thats a good thing or a bad thing...)
Anywayz, I'll leave you to digest,
Ben aka DragonWolf