On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, David Freeman wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Aug 2001 19:07:35 +0100 "John Woodard" wrote:
> > David Freeman wrote:
> >
> > > Seriously someone who isn't voted in purely on there personality.
> >
> > If they are voted in because of their personality how come 95% of all
> > MPs/MEPs have had a personality bypass? :-)
> People don't vote for a particular candidate they vote for a party and
> the personalities of that party, i.e. Hague or Blair?
I would like to comment on this but think it should perhaps go to the Alug
social list?? anyway I have cc'ed it in this reply and anyone replying
(IMHO) should remove the main Alug list from the distribution list as this
is not strictly on topic anymore.
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