--- Adam Bower abower@thebowery.co.uk wrote:
On Sat, 6 Oct 2001, John Woodard wrote:
Oh well, I just got back from a weekend away and the screen now appears to be totally broken :-( Now tapping anywhere on the screen results in the clicks not responding to anything like where they should, and a hard reboot results in the same.
/me wants ideas for a replacement.
I already have a Ericson MC218 (same as a Psion 5Mx) but it doesn't have tools like ssh (essential) and a utility like strip (open source password encrypter) so this cannot really be a replacement unless you know better.
An Ipaq with the PCMCIA jacket with a cisco aironet card is the dogs dangly's. Get it with linux on it and desable one of the cisco antenna and you have a tricorder for finding wireless lans! Free surfing!
I am now thinking of an Ipaq as I am disappointed with how long my Palm lasted (18 months) with not much abuse.
Does anyone have any good suggestions for a replacement?
This message is Copyleft - all rights reversed Adam
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